If you ask someone what an animated meme is, they’ll tell you that animated memes are humorous images, video, piece of text, etc., that are copied by internet users and spread by them with slight variations. However, there is a lot more to its definition that you or many people might not be aware of.
So, if you want to know how animated meme gifs began and why they have become so popular, you’re in the right place. Keep reading on the find out everything there is to know regarding animated meme gifs!
What is a Meme?
According to the dictionary, the definition of the word meme is “an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.”
The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene, a book he wrote in 1976. The Greek word “mimeme” derives from the Ancient Greek μίμημα (mīmēma), which basically means “that which is imitated” or “something copied”.
This is where the word meme came from and now it has become a frequent part of our internet life.
Are Animated Memes Different?
Well, no. Animated memes and memes are still the same. The only difference between the two is that one is a still image (meme) while the other has movement (animated meme gif). Basically, with the help of animation (animation tools/software) people convert still images into moving pictures.
This movement in the picture is often more fun and always entices the person to fully engage with it. However, the purpose of both types of memes is still the same and that purpose is to share laughs on social media.
Why have they become so popular?
Memes are popular and increasingly significant. But why? Memes have grown to a point in popularity that does raise many questions. Why have memes become so popular? Well, first of all nowadays, memes control the internet culture. In fact, animated meme gif pages on social media have millions of followers.
People that have nothing in common join such pages to release dopamine in their brains through shared laughter over the exact same thing. One might say that animated meme gifs are the coffee of 2021. So, the reason behind an animated meme gifs popularity is quite simple;
People use social media accounts for “entertainment”. This actively means that anything that can be used as a means of entertainment on social media accounts is bound to become popular. And, that is exactly what has happened with memes. Will they ever get old? Will people not have the same connection with memes as they do now?
Well, no one can really tell. But there is one thing that indicates memes are here for the long run. Each meme shared on the internet is different in terms of what the context is and what the image is. Everyone has the freedom to create a meme and share it according to what context they find humorous.
Basically, since a meme can be created over almost anything, it is highly unlikely people will give up this source of entertainment anytime soon.
Final Thoughts
So, that wraps up our topic for today. If you want to check out more of our interesting blogs, visit our website! Here at Animation Agency, we provide professional animation services and love to educate our audience on interesting topics.